Welcome to the Change Engine

What would you like to change?

...if you could change anything in the world

A surprisingly difficult question

Requiring imagination, determination, ambition, purpose, authenticity, vision and potential, driving change is an art as much as it is a science.

We help you change literally anything

The only limit is now our imagination... plus the Laws of Physics and Nature of course. Here are some of our favourite changes we've delivered so far. For curious minds, were posting changes directly to our blog for free wherever digestable.

Any positive change globally

When driving change is truly your identity, it requires you to do things and go places no one has gone before. That’s why it’s called ‘change’

What change can we support?

Anchoring breakthrough Quantum Mechanics, our firm can solve any problem, obtain any science, realise any idea and create anything you can imagine. That's despite being denied all funding. To back up our claim, we've published evidence of the 24 meaningful changes and 130 supporting discoveries mentioned above (plus loads more) for broad public scrutiny in our book The Sciences of Change.

We invite changes and collaborators on our 4 priority global goals:

Save Life

  • Improve aid flow, disaster recovery and crisis management

  • Enforce, protect and expand fair elections, equality and human rights

  • Find new cures and treatments, whilst advancing medical knowledge and technology

  • Reverse climate change, stabilise biodiversity and protect the environment

Redefine Leadership

  • Transform businesses and sectors, productivity and value

  • Deliver justice scrutiny, policy change and legislative enforcement

  • Ensure governments are fair, accountable, efficient and competent

  • Provide strategic advice, dynamic risk analysis and management

Advance endeavour

  • Actualise space safety, technology, productivity and megastructures

  • Nurture safe and sustainable means to explore new frontiers

  • Protect critical Human assets and keep Earth safe from threats

  • Swap wars for world peace through amicable relations and diplomacy

Turbocharge Science

  • Swap bullying and judgments for safer spaces to grow, that offer better school curricula

  • Build outstanding Schools of Change, Creation and True Leadership

  • Overhaul academia and reinvigorate research method/peer review processes

  • Solve any wicked problem in the world and advance Human endeavour

We're all about meaningful change

Helping Old Beings cross the street is not meaningful change. Installing safe crossings that turn them into Safe Beings is truly meaningful change.

Make your decision

Forget red and blue binary choices. There is no spoon. So use your imagination instead. What'll it be?

Actualise any Change

Actualise any Change

You imagine it. We help you actualise it. Simple.

From world peace to world records to ring worlds, we deploy Quantum Mechanics, Sapience and Clarketech to help make your ideas for a better future a reality today.

Self-Actualise your people

Self-Actualise your people

Turn promise breakers into great minds that truly think alike.

Unique on Earth, any Curious Mind can embark on our modular and proven True Leadership programme. Plus our top minds and trained public speakers exist to spread truth, light and love.

Authenticate any Change

Authenticate any Change

We help you spot the heroes from the absolute zeros

Certify competent authorities and sapient councils, confirm any individual or corporate identity's alignment , list on the Global Potential Exchange or register any discovery for public scrutiny.

Actualise any change

Hateful beings destroy. Human beings create.

Consider the structure you live in wouldn't exist without the drive, ambition, determination, vision and ingenuity of its architect. They 'actualised' your home.

Turning your dreams into our reality

No matter the objective, big or small - from landing the job of your dreams to building Humanity a new future - most change initiatives can be assured of sweet success if they follow our devised 9-step 'change process' methodology.

What change would you like to create?

What change would you like to create?

Ask the wrong question and you cannot get the right answer. So always select a goal or purpose that is truly meaningful. This might be to resolve a key problem in the world today, spread light and love, or advance Human Endeavour into new heights of greatness. We're all equal, so the more ambitious, curious and determined you are, the more success you'll find.


Isolate cause and effect

Once you’ve defined a problem or change, work backwards and methodologically to identify the drivers of the current status quo, preventing progress. Authenticity is key here. Without being totally honest with yourself and others on causality, you will solve nothing.

Isolate cause and effect
The Dice Analysis

The Dice Analysis

Borrowing heavily from Albert Einstein's approach to solving wicked problems (thus the name), this thorough and conclusive assessment yields us the ingredients for guaranteed success:

  • Identify barriers and threats to change

  • Establish causality to scientific standard

  • Prove your change case unquestionably

  • Isolate issues with the status quo to arrive at an optimal resolving solution


Sonocytology Report

Always measure what you claim to treasure. Here, we seek out robust multi-sourced data, supporting science, research and/or evidence, plus different perspectives in our to complete our picture, self-scrutinise and identify or mitigate any areas of weakness.

Sonocytology Report
Know your enemy

Know your enemy

Here we isolate and investigate all key risk factors, including likely adversaries resistant to improvement, and why.

  • What are the key sources of contention and resistance, and why?

  • Is it simple Human Error or active methodical resistance?

  • Who can we work with to expedite the change, and (telling) who has refused to cooperate?

  • How can you raise the alarm and deactualise them before they destroy all of existence?

  • What is the optimal (win-win) solution?


Reach a conclusion/recommendation

Being open to challenging our belief systems with new possibilities is central to driving change. And one of the most paralysing hurdles to change today is how difficult reaching a meaningful conclusion or decision is to Most Beings. That's why, should causality remain insufficiently clear to map a path to change by this stage, we continue being curious until we've established it.

Reach a conclusion/recommendation
Clear a path

Clear a path

Any Being can highlight the many problems in our world today. But very few bring real, tangible and workable ideas, backed by real science, data and/or facts. Understanding both your problem and a viable solution are requisite for Meaningful Change to follow. So it's here that we identify and remediate all key points of critical failure, thus ensuring our sweet success.


Map out the perfect change plan

Lastly, we lay out the critical path for delivering our change, from planning and pre-requisites to shakedown and snaglist. Typically 5-15 steps (depending on complexity), each has its own targeted key deliverables, success criteria and contingency plan (in the event of failure), and broadly buckets into two categories:

  • Mandatory steps: Essential for success

  • Optional steps: Accretive to success

Map out the perfect change plan
Delivery and continuous change

Delivery and continuous change

No change is ever complete. So we stick around (if welcome) to ensure all goes smoothly, monitor impact through key milestones and pass dynamic adjustments in real time as evolving circumstances and risks require.

Self-Actualise your people and success

True Love never dies because True Leaders never lose

Unique on Earth, our True Leadership program has been scientifically proven to unlock the full power and potential of people and teams to deliver change and sweet success like you never imagined could be possible

Who are you… really?

Another surprisingly difficult question, and one none of us could ever truly know the answer to until our final breath. But together, we can give it a try.

Thanks to our world leading, scientific understanding of human identity and what makes people tick, we're adept at unlocking the true power of people-driven change and transformation like no other can.

  • Unique on Earth, our comprehensive, immersive True Leadership Program exists to create Titans of Change

  • Publish exciting and engaging breakthrough science across all academic proficiencies and forms of media

  • Design and optimise schools curricula, while extending coaching and upskilling support for teachers and lecturers

  • Build and enhance world-leading academic schools of Change, Creation and True Leadership

True Leadership Program

Modular in nature yet still one of a kind, our 15 fun, engaging and interactive courses range from 1-day to 1-week. This lets you pick and choose the best bits you're after. But working together as a syllabus, they are designed specifically to output True Leaders and Titans of Change.

Their deilightfully fun journey guides you through the many things that unite us all as we explore Human Identity in action. Discover things about yourself and others that will open your eyes and mind to the unseen workings of people, relationships, business, science and indeed our entire world. No matter what shape or size, all your people will leave feeling inspired to persevere and empowered to perform with a newfound appreciation for the sweet success they can create by collaborating together and with others.

Pick n Mix: Our course modules

  • Safe Spaces: Create happy workplaces that thrive on psychological safety and teamwork

  • Uncomfortable Conversations: Understand the evolving language of Humanism to foster stronger relationships

  • Challenging Choices: Speak Up safely and effectively when you see something wrong

  • Purposeful People: Live with purpose and unlock the keys to driving outstanding results

  • Potential Reachers: Drop the labels, think in non-binary sapience and embrace uniqueness

  • Humanism: Understand and learn how to unlock the full value of Human abilities

  • Conscious Inclusion: Learn how to build authentic, happy teams where everyone can thrive

  • Authentic Curioisty: Explore science to discover the power and workings of Human imagination

  • Critical Race Theory: Understand the nature, causes and solutions of oppression facing All Beings today

  • The Human Experience: Uncover the workings of our universe and reality through breakthrough science

  • Listening Leaders: Effectively lead people through any change while managing risks dynamically

  • Meaningful Change: Build the perfect collective to succeed sweetly at any goal you choose

  • Who are you really? Discover your true identity and harness it to reach your full potential

  • We have a whistleblower! The only whistleblower simulator on People Risk. How will your team respond?

  • Better networks: Build and run effective people bodies that add value and engage more

Schools, Educators and Curricula

Today, universally using grades and examinations, we teach our children to externalise all value from a young age. This limits their ability to imagine anything differently from our broken system. Only if we re-internalise value by assessing their levels of Potential, Wisdom, True Leadership and True Love, can Humanity begin to thrive.

We help upskills educators with Humanistic knowledge, spectroscopy and linguistics that put wisdom, knowledge, reality and leadership at the heart of learning. Plus we review and rollout new universal curricula covering Humanism, True Leadership and the Sciences of Change to all ages so that Humanity of the future can thrive. Unannounced checks globally are available from the Deilightful Group to authenticate compliance with all spectral results and methodology published online – should you deem it valuable.

Authenticate any change

We shine deilight on darkness, and fight the dreadful with love

With so much deception and misinformation all around us today, some find it hard to know who or what is being real. But we don't. We see your uniqueness and we love you for it.

What is authentication?

Scales measure our weight. But so what? Only by ‘authenticating’ our weight can we ever draw meaningful conclusions on its implications to our diet, health, life expectancy, routine, circumstances and potential. Doing so requires before and after images and/or readings, plus knowledge of our circumstances and the ideal weight for a similar character. Authentication involves proving something true, confirming its real and/or ascertaining its viability, causality and effects.

Why authenticate?

Today’s deluge of misinformation killed off Human curiosity by creating a widespread view that A) truth does not exist and B) even if it does, deception everywhere make it surely now impossible to reconstitute. Forget lie detectors. We've devised a scientific methodology for discerning who and what is true, real, competent and authentic, to help restore fairness, accountability, trust and confidence across Humanity.

What can we authenticate?

Our authentication service works with any individual or corporate identity, competent authority, scientific discovery, idea, claim or solution.

It outputs meaningful conclusions for any change such as:

  • Who created it, and why?

  • What is its authentic purpose/intent and actual/true impact?

  • Is it real, workable and scientifically sound?

  • Can we trust it or is it unsafe?

  • How strong is its potential (to drive change)?

  • What adjustment would make it more successful?

As an example of an authenticated solution, we've provided a path to discovering new science any Change Maker can use below.

The 4 Keys to Discovery

Any authentic Science Maker may use our deilightful new Research Method to drive Meaningful Change or Falsify any Meaningless Unchanges by making and announcing new discoveries.

Be Curious

Be Curious

Deception and judgment make our innate curiosity incredibly difficult to satisfy. Yet once we give it up, it becomes very hard to build back an appreciation for the idea we actually know very little


Be Purposeful

First, define the change you’d like to make (your Purpose), consider what you and others already know, discount false positives and isolate Cause & Effect. Ask the wrong question and you cannot get the right answer.

Be Purposeful
Be Worthy

Be Worthy

Like a treasure map, intuition derives from Sapient Wisdom, Authenticity and Self-Acceptance, allowing our soul to guide us in the right direction. Most discoveries build on the work of others by spotting things they missed or couldn’t account for. So constantly authenticate everything, especially yourself


Be Determined

Drop preconceptions, keep an open mind, work with determination, think logically, progress methodically and prepare to get it entirely wrong several times. Never assume you are wrong, or right either. If you get stuck or to authenticate your discovery with the Ministry of Fairness and Accountability, simply contact us for holistic free support.

Be Determined

To authenticate or not to authenticate?

Scientific Discoveries

Discoveries authenticated through our free service enjoy global recognition, including:

  • Validation the discovery is new, genuine and meaningful

  • Assistance in filling in any missing links and reconciling any paradoxes it poses

  • License to display our 'deilightfully authenticated' hologram alongside their communications

  • Accession to the official global scientific record

  • Public listing by the Ministry of Fairness and Accountability website

  • Published in the forthcoming 'Journal of Deilightfully Authenticated Science' periodical.

Commercial Collectives

Businesses authenticated through our free service will also enjoy global recognition, including:

  • License to display our 'deilightfully authenticated' hologram alongside their communications

  • Listed publicly on the Global Potential Exchange for global sapient recollection

  • Comprehensive Report on output range and continuous improvement recommendations

  • External potential rating (optional) for luxuries, reward and recognition purposes


With transformative applications for criminal justice, authentication compliments DNA evidence and supplements unreliable lie detection technology. Non-invasive and wholly agnostic of technology, our proven, tried, tested and published scientific methodology derives whether any individual testimony - about their actions and intentions - is truthful or deceptive.

Competent Authorities

Today, nobody regulates the regulators and governments across our world. We provide authorities falsified by the Deilightful Group with a path to credibility through process and procedure validation, leadership certifications and re-licensing their authorisation to oversee market integrity wherever they are.

Ideas, claims and solutions

One of the broadest applications for authenticating any change is finding out simple stuff like 'will it work', 'what's it missing', or 'what could go wrong and how can I mitigate it'? We can also examine the truthfulness and accuracy of any fact, past or present, in order to help any industry solve mysteries, spot villains, crack scandals and complete pictures.

Change. It starts with us

Get in touch for free comprehensive support

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