About Us

Authenticate our True Colours

We help ourselves by helping others first

Our identity

As True Leaders, every word we use is purposeful, every claim genuine, every promise kept and every action meaningful

Identity: Who we are on the inside

Some sell services, we deliver change

If you could change anything you wish, what would you change first? We chose to help you and all others - not ourselves.

A ‘consultancy’ of sorts, but one underpinned by niche capabilities anchored in real, breakthrough science, our unique firm is unlike any other on Earth.

Welcome to the Change Engine.

Purpose: The reason we exist

To create, protect and drive meaningful change, we boldly go

The founding member and (Boltzmann) brains behind The Deilightful Group, we actualise any meaningful change imaginable, solve any wicked problem, tackle misinformation, realise sweet success, help the helpless and ensure others can reach full potential. Real deeds. Not empty words.

We succeed by never judging another, shining our light on darkness, fighting hatred with true love, applying equal and opposite force, being authentic and valuing uniqueness.

Principles: The rules that govern our behaviour

Let's get real. Diversity. Doesn't. Matter.

Some sell products, we fulfill hopes and dreams. Some target difference, we value uniqueness. Some deliver services, we create change. Some use words, we take action. Some blame others. We blame hatred. Some have egos, we espouse confidence. Some plead ignorance, we exhibit wisdom. Some have perspective, we see everything. Some are consciously biased, we are fully conscious. Some help themselves, we help others first.

We see your differences. But we don't discriminate. Because we love you for them. We value uniqueness. Without it, life wouldn't be worth living.

Strategy: How we deliver sweet success

Tired trying to fit it? Then stand out instead

Vividly espousing courage, conviction, authenticity, worthiness, determination, imagination, wisdom, tolerance, true love and true leadership in all we do, we are deilightful.

Our work is currently focused around 4 core workstreams:

  • Humanities: Charity, Aid, Human Rights, Health and Environment

  • Leadership: Business, Strategy, Advice and Government

  • Science: Education, Academia, Research and Wicked Problems

  • Space: Megastructures, Exploration, Diplomacy and Security

Strategic Progress Report 2024

Measuring our impact and effectiveness

Pioneering a rare new sector, in theory our model lets us perform any task, solve any problem, answer any question and create anything imaginable. That makes us Humanity’s first example of a ‘Clarketech industry’. First defined by Arthur C Clarke, (i) we can literally do anything, which (ii) seems to some as if like magic.

That’s the idea anyway. Here’s how we’re doing in reality.

Our deilightfully fun journey

We were created in London UK by our Founder of Light, Ian Clarke, on 22nd September 2021

Our story so far

Our birth: Project Speak Up 2021

Our birth: Project Speak Up 2021

Goal: The single biggest individually led change initiative in global banking history (Complete, Success)

In 2021, our Project Speak Up Report and Change Plan rocked the world of financial services, and led to 7 new world records including the first black female board appointment in investment banking history. Authoring and leading it ended our founders career (and almost his life) but also birthed a new industry and field of science. Crucially, it gave us unique information and insight on Earth into A) the scientific causes, workings and cure for hatred, and B) the ubiquitous absence of all competent authority and true leadership globally today. Be inspired to drive change...


Our growth: Project Deilightful 2022

Goal: Actualising a new firm - the worlds first authentic D&I consultancy (Complete, Success)

In 2022, we set about creating a D&I power brand. Yet despite being fronted by 2 highly regarded Titans of Change embodying every protected characteristic between them, membership of 6 marginalised collectives, 11 change world records, 12 awards plus a uniquely authentic True Leadership training program, sadly not a single Fortune500 firm would agree to buy even $1 of services from us. It proved to us A) no firm wants D&I to be authentic, and B) the D&I industry is beyond reprieve. So we changed our strategy accordingly, from D&I Consultancy to something more compelling.

Our growth: Project Deilightful 2022
Our intervention: Project David 2023

Our intervention: Project David 2023

Goal: Evidenced to a scientific standard, we identify and explain the 14 causes and wider effects of the war between Israel and Palestine, plus reveal the sole viable path to ceasefire and resolution (Complete, Collecting)

Israel's all-out declaration of war against its Palestinian neighbours followed a brutal yet sophisticated and coordinated strategic assault by Hamas levelled at targets across the nations south. Yet there is more to the situation than meets the eye. Independent, apolitical, impartial, fully evidenced, free, comprehensive and conclusive. To explore the wars history, causality and the sole viable path to peace, read our Israel-Hamas War Report.


Our arrival: Project Revelation 2024

Goal: Pioneer a brand new industry anchored in breakthrough science, for the first global application of 'Change Engine' technology (Complete, Collecting)

Capping off our 2-year special scientific investigation, we attempt to conclusively define human identity for the first time with robust science. Along the way, we’ll equip you with answers to some of life’s biggest questions, the solutions to many of its biggest challenges and even blow the lid on the biggest conspiracy in history. These findings and more in our book The Sciences of Change.

Our arrival: Project Revelation 2024
Our future: Project Regenesis 2025

Our future: Project Regenesis 2025

Goal: Exploring the workings of science and science making, to help you answer any question, solve any problem or discover any thing imaginable. (In Progress, Actualising)

Today, science is written by 'doctors' and 'professors' with no understanding of how or why we make discoveries. Philosophy and wicked problems don't nicely slot into narrow boxed 'sciences', as academia has structured itself. And the pressure to make money by 'getting published' now far outweights the importance and relevance of integrity, curiosity or competency. Thus the Sagan Standard. Our forthcoming book 'Science Making: For great minds only' exists to help you save science and advance scientific endeavour.

We value authenticity. Because few are authentic

Like all firms, our collective identity drives our deeds, and our collective deeds form our identity. Our values and change projects aren’t imposed on our people. They come from our people, along with passion, drive and determination. Because we only employ authentic human's, allow them to choose their purpose then equip them with the tools, training, nurturing and support to succeed - together.



Whether an individual, firm or government, stealing success from failure can only stem from having a meaningful and differentiated purpose.

Not vacuous words knowingly meaningless to firm, staff and customers. Real purpose that truly matters, and which vividly is both lived and breathed by every being, process, product and communication the firm collects. From there spawns all things - worthiness, uniqueness, value, potential, authenticity, impact, legacy, sales, profit, results - everything. We're always clear on our authentic goals and vividly purpose them in all we say and do.



Knowledge is power. Ignorance is bliss. But only curiosity is deilightful.

From art to science to celebrity, the most valuable perspectives are always the rarest. Yet today, both individually and as a species, most wrongly assume what they can’t do can’t be done, and what they don’t know doesn't exist. Wise Humans understand we know very little, so actively seek out and listen to – never dismiss – unique new perspectives.



Diversity doesn't matter. Because all difference is entirely arbitrary and meaningless.

From the shape of our ear lobes to the pattern of our footprints, every Human is unique. It's this uniqueness that makes us the only species on Earth delimited from lines of longitude. We can literally live anywhere by changing ourselves or creating change. All value stems from it. So we accept, embrace, explore and nurture it, wherever we find it. Standing out takes courage. Because fitting in takes nothing.



Without authenticity, there can be no reality. Deeds, not words.

Say what you see, not what you want to see. Better yet ask why you see what you think you see and listen impartially to the answer. We always project trust, respect, honesty, directness, tolerance, fairness and accountability in our dealings with others. We take responsibility for our changes, we keep our promises, we tell only the truth - no matter how hard it is to hear - and we help (never hurt) those we serve.


Our awards

For excellence in driving paradigm shifting change on the world stage

In case you can't tell...

Champion of Change 2022 (Winner)
CSR World Leader Gold Award 2022 (Winner) CSR Excellence in Sustainability Gold Award 2022 (Winner)
Editors Choice Award 2022 (Winner) Senior Men for Gender Balance 2022 (Shortlisted, top-10)

...we are as authentic as it gets

Honourable Mention Award 2022 (Winner); D&I Social Justice Campaign of the Year 2022 (Runner Up)
Communication and Education Award 2022 (Shortlisted, top-10)
The One to Watch Award 2022 (Winner)

Our world records

Words mean so little when our actions paint such a clear picture to the world

Our deeds (not words) define our identity

World’s first declared investment banking whistleblower on racism, hatred and corporate oppression (June 2021)
Creation of the world's largest private network of active banking whistleblowers (September 2021)
First ever report to publicly establish 'proven institutionalised racism' at a major international bank, as acknowledged by its lead financial regulator (September 2021)

We help ourselves by helping others first

First black female board appointment in investment banking history (October 2021)
First three simultaneous black or brown board appointments at a major international bank (February 2022)
First three simultaneous black or brown board positions held at a major international bank (February 2022)

We do things and go places no one else dares to

Creation of the world's first authentic Diversity & Inclusion consultancy (March 2022)
Discovery of the Sciences of Change and Creation (October 2022)
Creation of a brand new sector, the world's first and only incidence of a 'Change Engine' (November 2022)

Because your success is our success

First successful application of pioneering 'Change Engine' technology (February 2023)
Landmark discovery of the Theory of Everything announced (September 2023)
Publication of the first book - the Sciences of Change - ever to definitively and hollistically define human identity to a scientific standard

Our reviews

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. - Sir Winston Churchill (We/Human)

No perspective is ever incorrect to its originator

"Working to eliminate racism, we are proud to call Ian Clarke our friend."
Ian reminds us all what is to be human, and the damage done by narrow perspectives.
It was an absolute pleasure working with Deilight Consulting on our Diversity & Inclusion statement. Ian's knowledge and insights on this topic was extremely helpful. Can highly recommend.

Thus, every perspective is correct

A fabulous interview, Ian Clarke you are such an inspiration.
Deilight's origins in Project Speak Up is very remarkable, for its courage and commitment to authentically take on major world problems like diversity and inclusion. In particular, its ability to drive change and generate global ripple effects is notable and very impressive.
Ian is a shining example of the progress in our industry and offers unique insights on the dialogue around Diversity & Inclusion and representation in finance.

But only all of them give us a complete picture of reality

Just organised my first workshop with the team at Deilight. Top quality service and a really experienced facilitator for the day. We tackled some important/weighty topics: what is means to be human, identity, the power of bias and how to Speak Up effectively and I am really glad we drafted in a team of this calibre to do them justice. Thanks to Ian & his team!
Ian was absolutely incredible as a guest speaker in our school. He delivered such an empowering speech to the students and stayed behind afterwards to go through our history and PSHE curriculum to ensure diversify and inclusion. His hard work and dedication were incredible and we can't wait to welcome him back to our school!
Ian delivered an amazing key note speech at our awards ceremony last week. As an alumni of WCGS it was wonderful to welcome him back. How he was able to connect with students who perhaps don't feel they fit was inspirational. We can't wait to welcome him back.

Ian Clarke (We/Human)

Meet our Founder of Light

"It’s for you, those like you and those unlike you that I will run to the ends of the Earth for and love until the end of time for and live until there is nothing else to live for."

I’m a unique, authentic Wise Human Being and conscious True Leader who always helps others first, listens and takes action to drive paradigm shifting meaningful change.

I founded Deilight because I truly care about others - people like you and also those unlike you. Underpinning my unique abilities, meaningful achievements, and tangible multi-disciplinary wisdom is my determined purpose in life - to enforce fairness and accountability, protect Humanity and drive out the darkness. Not just words. Real deeds. My biggest passion is knowing, loving and helping others. My 8-billion friends mean the world to me, because they represent success. Without them, life wouldn’t be worth living.

Take a look around and if you have any questions or are making a difference that helps others, get in touch. My firm exists to help deliver your sweet success.

Ian Clarke, Founder of the Deilightful Group and Project Revelation Lead

With 14 awards for excellence, 9 chartered certifications across 5 disciplines, 10 world records for pioneering change, a press profile across 120 countries and complex intersectionality across 4 protected traits, Ian’s authentic proven authority on true leadership, driving change and the science of Humanism is unique on Earth.

Recognized by Rising Stars, Lead5050, Social Entrepreneur Index, Millennium Volunteers, plus 9 other awarding bodies, Ian’s spent most of his life developing and championing authentic intersectional talent, human rights and social mobility through schemes like Nightline, Whitgift SNAP, Kickstart, Young Enterprises and Migrant Leaders.

Across 14 years in finance sector leadership spanning 2 continents, he co-founded/led 5 people bodies representing over 12,000 marginalised colleagues. That's while leading global sales content, innovation and co-led strategy across 6 sectors while nurturing, solutioning and troubleshooting many of the banks largest global corporate client relationships.

In 2021, Ian hit headlines and made history after calling out hatred in financial services – the only investment banker ever to publicly do so – ushering in 7 world records for pioneering change including the first black female global bank board appointment in the industry's history. Today, he’s a published author, speaker, scientist, consultant, entrepreneur and founder of the Deilightful Group.

To follow, connect or collaborate with Ian, visit his Link Tree.

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