An Inclusive Workforce: A checklist for your employees

Ian Clarke

Article author

Reading time: 2 min

Last updated: August 10th, 2022

An Inclusive Workforce: A checklist for your employees

Look around you. Look at the people you work with, the environment you have created, the atmosphere that drives you. Whether you love it or loathe it, the chances are that these things are a huge part of not just your life but those who work for you. You have the ability to make or break their day, their careers, hopes and dreams.

You could hire the best candidate for your business, but without a workplace that helps them perform at their best, they may never reach their full potential, and neither can your business.

Now look closer at your workforce, chances are they’re a lot like you. After all, you work in the same industry, perhaps you follow a similar dress code, use the same equipment and terminology that comes with your profession. But ask yourself, honestly, does the homogeneity stop there or does it run deeper?

Are there people from different genders, ages, nationalities, sexualities, abilities and ethnicities in your workplace? If so, are they all present in proportions that reflect the makeup of the country/city you live in, or the customers you serve? Are those that are less represented as happy, or performing as well, as the others in your workplace?

Though it may seem inclusive to you, if the answer to any of these questions is ‘no’, then the chances are your workplace isn’t an inclusive place for everyone. A place where all those with different experiences, new perspectives, or thought-provoking opinions feel welcome and able to thrive. 

So one last question… are you ready for a change?

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