With the average age of the FTSE100 C-Suites being 58 and no Directors under the age of 35 today, we looked in to the drivers of ageism and whether there is any truth behind the perception that wisdom comes from experience
Today, Humanity hates itself as people en-masse begin to reject the very things that define our Humanity. The D&I industry emerged to help turn things around but instead became part of the problem. Find out why all is not lost.
Pronouns exist to divide and oppress people, yet continue to be claimed by those most in need of safe spaces to be themselves. We explain why it's time to drop the labels and embrace the beautifully unique complexity of Humanity once again.
Thanks for starting the conversation Ye. We'll take it from here. Often villainised as the source of all Oppression and Inequity, White Heterosexual Men are in fact among its most tortured victims without even realising it. For the curious, we looked into why darkness only stalks those who chose to be.
Across an industry charging £8bn a year to talk 'D&I', one irrelevant flicker of light is talking 'change'. Is that even a product? The answer is no, but we changed all that. Now clocking 9 world records for change including birthing 2 entirely new sciences, still nobody has asked us to fix their D&I dilemma. It's as if they don't want change. Too bad. Welcome to the future of all Human-output Business - the creation of Sapience (I think) and Clarketech (therefore I am). Change. We're ready when you are.
In a major Human Sciences breakthrough, Deilight Consulting is proud to announce our conclusions from exciting new research that hints at the origins of Human Consciousness, our true Identity and the nature of Existence. The 22 discrete discoveries were made possible by a successful test of what we believe constitutes Humanity's first ever Clarketech - a Sapience-based change engine anchored in the lost science of Change Making.
How systemmic structural oppression is underpinned by decpeption, denial, collusion and conflicts of interest that span our ruling classes, rendering success on D&I verifiably impossible. Trust me, I've tried everything for 15 years. Except one thing...
What exactly is Authenticity, where does it come from and why is it so central to our success as Human Being's? Discover why Authenticity is the key to tackling Oppression and advancing D&I beyond just talk. Plus we explain how you can learn to easily detect dishonest behaviour and claims. For the curious, we found the answers.
Look inside almost any home and you'll understand that human’s have an instinctive dislike of black and white. Here we explain why, and consider its implications on how we make all decisions from the things we buy to the way we behave to our fellow Humans.
Forget bend it like Beckham. Aerliast for The Box NYC, instructor at Brooklyn's Body and Pole and Underground Cabaret heartthrob Jacob McKee (pictured here) - like so many outstanding queer talents - has made his decision. In the lipsync battle between boardroom and stage, she done already done had herses. But who misses out more from the absence of LGBTQ+ talent in the city, and which city has LGBTQ+ talent had the biggest impact? I guess this one's a lip sync.
Today, most People and Process models across industries align to ‘Culture Fit’. In this article, we explore the workings of Culture Fit, the harm its dealing to our public firms around the world, and how the issue could so easily be fixed if we can learn to value our innate uniqueness and embrace the real
Unique insights from the Change Engine, the Israel Hamas War Report shares the findings of our in-depth, apolitical, impartial, independent investigation. Never attempted before, it deploys breakthrough science to identify and explain the wars 14 causal triggers alongside full evidence. Plus it tables the only viable resolution that can appease both sides and deliver lasting peace, alongside options for humans worldwide to help add the (now) possibility of a win-win outcome for everyone. Peace. It starts with us.