...truthfully, openly, directly and conclusively. Which makes a nice change!
Submitting questions
If you have questions on our report, please submit them publicly via our mobile optimised Letters of Love web app. Should you wish to remain anonymous, simply use an alias. We don't track IP addresses, and all data from cookies is stripped of individual identifiers. We exist to protect, not destroy.
Should you have any concerns, identify areas of vulnerability we may not have considered, or if your query is of a sensitive nature, contact us via either the webform, the webchat function on our homepage, or by emailing us at change@deilightful.com.

Receiving questions
We will attempt to answer all questions submitted across all channels. However as one being without funding or support, we have extremely limited resources.
Using the Letters of Love app allows us to invoke automation, delegation and aggregation (of similar questions), and provides a single list for us to work to. Checked daily and with alerts to our team (currently of one), it is the fastest way to secure a response from us.
Responding to questions
Commitment: No question is off the table and we will answer as many as we can* with 100% truth and with full evidence (*our capacity depending, thus falling short of a promise).
Approach: We consider each question on merit and in the vain it is asked. If a question is genuine, legitimate and human in nature, we will prioritise it. If a question is ignorant, mindless and baseless, we may ignore it or (for repeat offenders) respond with clear evidence as to your true colours. We approach each answer without bias or prejudgment, and truly invite broad challenge, scrutiny and critique from all human readers of our conclusions. Like you and all beings, we too (proudly) suffer from human error. We will publish any corrections or retractions made to our report born from submitted Q&A on this page.
Response Format: For all closed questions (typically 'yes/no'), we will respond with either (A) 'Authenticated' (Yes/correct) or (F) 'Falsified': (No/incorrect). For open questions, we will provide a comprehensive, truthful, open, direct and conclusive response, or cross reference where such narrative can be found if answered already. Arising from both question types, should any corrections or remedial actions be appropriate on our part, we will state clearly what those are.
Follow Ups: While by no means mandatory, when submitting a question, leaving a contact email allows us to follow up with you directly. This can be useful if (for example) we did not fully understand your question, need further information, if you need a specific or time critical response, or if your question is of a private nature. It also stops you having to check back later for the answer.
Your questions answered
1. What is this report?
This is the Israel Hamas War Report – an impartial, apolitical, independent, comprehensive original piece of research commissioned by the Deilightful Group , designed and distributed by Deilightful Media and published November 2023 by Deilight Consulting.
2. What makes this report so important?
Offering a unique perspective - a human one - ours is a refreshingly clear, concise and jargon free account that yields a uniquely conclusive, comprehensive and complete assessment of facts, truth and reality. A vivid and rare example of meaningful authentic allyship, and with clear potential to drive change, it:
Deploys science to isolate the 14 causal triggers that led to war, in order to triangulate those responsible and the errors they made
Rules the war and all proponents of it illegal (breaching the Geneva Convention and UDHR)
Demands an immediate and permanent end to all hostilities against Palestine
Tables a path to permanent resolution and conditions to peace which will be acceptable to both sides
Concludes the only just outcome is a free, maximilaist state of Palestine
3. Why does this report exist?
This is report exists to help stop the war, prevent further loss of life, deliver fairness and accountability, bring justice and secure lasting peace for the people of both Palestine and Israel.
4. Is this report credible?
Deploying breakthrough quantum mechanics, this report is written to a scientific (thus legal) standard of 'almost certainty' . Every sentence is fully referenced, cited and/or evidenced, often with embedded links directly to the source material. Exceeding all legal thresholds globally, its conclusive findings are legally enforceable and binding.
5. Who are Deilight Consulting?
Pioneering a brand new industry anchored in breakthrough science, we are the 'Change Engine'. Just 2 years old, yet backed by 6 awards for excellence, 11 world records driving meaningful global change and 100% 5-star client reviews - as in deeds, not words - we exist to solve complex world problems, save life and help others. For more information, simply authenticate us.
7. How does it help Palestine?
This is the most comprehensive strategic report on the war made public to date globally.
It finds the war was Israel’s preferred outcome.
It rules the people of Palestine have been subject to 100 years of genocide, apartheid and persecution of an unimaginable and outrageous nature
It concludes the war was the inevitable result of a failure to lead on behalf of the UN, successive world governments and international bodies.
It sustains Palestine's right to self-determination and rejects the 2-state solution as unsupportable under international law.
Furthermore, for the first time in recorded history, it discloses the scientific workings of Dehumanisation, hatred and oppression, both unnatural phenomena silently emanating from banks and big firms. Excluded from accounts by auditors, it constitutes a liability that (in truth) bankrupted the Fortune500 eons ago.
As such it contains material price sensitive information with the power to move global stock markets, thus drive unprecedented change. But only if others read it, listen to it, take action and advocate for it.
8. Why aren't you advertising it more widely?
We are a small, owner-funded and managed startup firm offering a free product, thus without the funds to publicise or promote this report for ourselves.
Given the gravity of its findings, the press are refusing to acknowledge it exists. All large organisations are boycotting both it and us.
So we are asking wise humans, change makers and true leaders everywhere to meaningfully compel the press to report it, thus enable our equal and opposite force. Once a critical mass of demand reaches the press, they will have no choice but to do so. Our change plan will do the rest from there - sweet success for everyone.
9. Why have you used a biased name for your report?
FALSIFIED - Never judge a book by its cover
We've done so intentionally, for a number of reasons. To be clear, this is a war being waged by the Israeli government (guilty/safe/mighty) against the people of Palestine (innocent/unsafe/defenceless). We've chosen a name that a) foreshadows the inequity of our findings, (b) is findable, established and well ranked with search engines and keywords, allowing for greater distribution thus impact, and (c) will resonate with our predominantly western initial target audience. Ours is the only report globally to acknowledge and extensively explore the cause, nature and effects of the global systematic bias plaguing news coverage of the war and wider world events today.
10. Why is your report filled with inaccuracies?
FALSIFIED - Our report is entirely accurate. This statement is the equal and opposite of truth
Every statement in it is a true, factual and correct reflection of reality as science regards it. The report is fully evidenced and cited, with links to key sources of contentious information juxtaposed alongside redoubling photographic imagery, multi-sourced data and/or referenced scientific studies that vividly authenticate every point made within it.
11. Hamas hide their bases among civilian populations. So why don't you acknowledge Israel has no choice but to violate the Geneva convention?
FALSIFIED - It is Israel that has every choice on whether to obliterate Palestine or not. And unlike you and Israel, Hamas hide nothing. Indeed they have no 'it' to hide and nowhere to hide it. This statement is the equal and opposite of truth.
This point is already addressed in Endnote 3 on page 85. However we will expand it accordingly. With a population density of 6,507.6 beings per square kilometer (per Figure 3, on page 13), if Gaza were a sovereign nation, it would be the 6th most densely populated in the world today (on the list published by the UN). That half of the lawful residents of Israel have been relegated to a strip of land of just 365 square kilometers is a direct consequence of the Israeli governments knowingly illegal and malevolent foreign and domestic policy. It breaches all international laws and the Geneva Convention, reflecting 100 years of gross crimes against humanity of the lowest order imaginable. Hamas has no organised military, neither is it permitted to operate one - unlike Israel and every other sovereign nation of the world. 'Hamas' is a label for a group of innocent civilians who have decided to 'do not die', that 'enough is enough', and are now attempting to protect themselves from genocide whilst alerting the world to their plight. Due to the Israeli governments action and UN inaction, it is Hamas that has no choice. As the aggressor and vastly superior force, Israel has every choice. It can stop the war and abide international law any time it wishes to do so.
12. Records only go back a few thousand years. So how can you draw conclusions on human life tens of thousands of years ago?
Written records only go back ~4,000 years but the archaeological record goes back millions of years. They allow us to draw broad conclusions about human life much further back. For example, in Ancient Greece, citizens would safely cast their democratic ballots using engraved pottery as slips. Indeed the word democracy originated in Ancient Greece - the union of people ('demos' in Latin) and rule ('kratos').
Wise Humans can 'authenticate' facts without records yet still to a scientific threshold of 'almost certainty' (thus supported by conclusive evidence) via our soaring potential. This allows us to access higher human abilities enabled by quantum mechanics and our collective human imagination. Superpowers such as recollection, intuition, deduction and speculation. Case in point: Art Curators use 'recollection' to gather intrinsic information from their collections original artists. This helps them vividly describe with accuracy the circumstances surrounding the characters and scenes presented, despite an absence of retained written records cataloguing them.
13. More people died from war and crime 80 years ago than today. So how can you say life was so much better before now?
FALSIFIED - Unfounded supposition, assumption and knowing directional deception, this challenge has no basis in facts or reality.
Absolute deaths from crime and war have fallen since 1943. But (a) records are not directly comparable (to a scientific standard) between these times because of evolving recording methods and definitions. (b) Clearly, the height of World War II is scientifically unsound. As in not directly comparable for assessing the normalness of suffering today during global 'peacetime'. (c) Near universal (~75%) deception today has nullified all truthfulness of data keeping and the nature of crime and warfare has also been unchanged. Specifically, all crime and war against humans is no longer being recorded or publicly disclosed. Include these numbers truthfully and you find today the most deadly of all times in our history. In the report, we quote the data you are looking for on page 70. As in, the current global chance of any being fatally dehumanising in their lifetime is now 99.9997%.