Like the brain, skin is just one of 78 organs within the human body - a collection of tissues working together to perform a common function. But unlike the brain, our skin has absolutely no bearing on our decisions, capability or behaviour.
The Human Genome Project (2003) proved conclusively that all Human's have the same intrinsic capacity for success with no specific extrinsic characteristic or subgroup enjoying overarching genetic superiority or inferiority. Therefore any inequity between communities, countries and continents we see in today's globalised world must be the result of artificial Social Construction - effectively, divide and rule, bias, discrimination, ignorance and hatred. But these traits don't serve Human Evolution in any useful way. Rather, they appear to pose us an existential threat verging on apocalyptic. So where are they coming from? Are we under attack or in a pandemic of some undetectable nature?
What is Authenticity?

Despite being separated by geography, time, pursuit and character, these four Change Makers all arrived at the same conclusion. Clearly, Authenticity is of central importance, but only to a specific type of Human Being.
According to Mindtools, Authenticity means being true to our own personality, values, and spirit, regardless of the pressure we may be under to act otherwise. Being honest with ourselves and with others means we take responsibility for our mistakes rather than denying they exist.
But at it's core, Human Nature - our true Human Identity - is pure, authentic, unfiltered Love of our fellow Human's and of life in general. Everything stems from there. Happiness, Purpose, Curiosity, Wisdom, Belonging, Unity, Courage, Confidence, Forgiveness... is just Love manifesting in different circumstances. The more we accept our true Human Nature and that of others, the more Authentic we become and the more Catharsis we experience. Wherever you see someone who 'stands out' - a smile of thanks, a chuckle of humour, a confident public speaker or a promise keeper - you are looking at Authenticity.

What is Oppression and where does it come from?
By inference, those who deny their natural Human Nature suffer from Repression - the opposite of Catharsis. Wherever you see Sadness, Ignorance, Guilt, Tribalism, Nepotism, Jealousy, Ego, Fear, Revenge or Anger, you are looking at an absence of Authenticity - Dishonesty. Someone who has chosen to 'fit it' by denying the very core things that makes them special - the inherent Uniqueness (intrinsic) that defines each of us. In order to avoid being overcome by the utter misery that comes from Dehumanisation, Repression (intrinsic) must externalise into blame and hatred towards outgroups as a survival mechanism.
Defined as the 'prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of power and control, often to affect mental pressure or distress', most people look to Politics, the Media or the Legal System as the likely source of the burgeoning Oppression we see in our world today. But at Deilight, we see things differently.
Human's who Oppress in this manner are sadly no longer capable of abstract thought, complex reasoning, reaching their full potential, finding success or even basic happiness. They exist solely to survive while making others miserable along the way.