Press: International Business Times spotlights 'the birth of a new industry'

Ian Clarke

Article author

Reading time: 2 min

Last updated: November 20th, 2023

Press: International Business Times spotlights 'the birth of a new industry'

It was Sir Winston Churchill who said, "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." From our relationships to the money in our pockets to our environment, all things are temporary and transient. Change is an ever-present factor in our lives, yet many struggle to navigate it to reach their ultimate destination safely. Thus, true leadership is all about creating, managing and guiding others safely through change.

Now a new industry with a new model has arisen that promises to do this and more for people, firms and nations globally.

Enter the change engine...

"Understand the limit is now our imagination, that we can answer any question or create anything we can imagine", said our founder, Ian Clarke, speaking with IBT. "Then you begin to realize the endless possibilities this could bring our civilization, and in its biggest hour of need. It sounds too good to be true. But we've proven the concept works with this [our Israel Hamas War] report. This technology allows us to make the world of our collective dreams come true — history in the making."

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Meaningful Change: Keys to peace in the Middle East

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Meaningful Change: Proof Moon Landings faked by NASA

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