Human Lifecycles
There are two measures to the lifecycle of a Human Being:
The first is Time - an extrinsic, linear construct running from birth, childhood, youth, adulthood, old age to death all too quickly, in about 88 years on average. Today, Average Life Expectancy is micro-measured and managed as a barometer for the performance of the world's health systems and overall standard of living but beyond that, it carries very little differentiating value and we have very little control over it.
The second is Potential - an intrinsic, cyclic construct that is gifted to us at full capacity upon birth and is ours to grow, maintain, waste or - most commonly - have taken from us. Despite rarely being measured in any way, either individually or at a societal level, it's from this second measure that we begin to be able to differentiate meaningful value - what we have achieved versus our purpose and goals - and nurturing it is a key defining factor in Human contentment and success.
That's not to say the best person we can be is who we are when we are born and it's all downhill from there. Rather, our identity, brain, skills, connections, perceptions and experiences continue to evolve in all directions throughout our life and thus too does the limit of our Potential. And though the impacts of our legacy may continue to be felt long after we're gone, the only certain constant is that our potential crystallises the day we breathe our last breath.

The (real) keys to success
The founder of Humanistic Psychology, Abraham Maslow incepted the Human Potential movement in the 1960's, establishing through his research that without certain essential and sequential support being in place, no Human may begin to transcend their unique journey towards Self-Actualisation and become the best person they can possibly be.
Every respect to him for pioneering my new profession of choice, but with regret Maslow got it completely wrong with his Hierarchy of Needs, as he omitted the three most pivotal drivers to Human Value, and the only ones that fall within our control:
Our Uniqueness is the extent to which we can differentiate value in ourselves from those around us
Our Authenticity is the extent to which we are prepared to be honest to ourselves (Self-Acceptance) and to others (Trustworthy).
Our Purpose is our reason to exist. Without the direction, ambition and motivation we draw from our life goals, many of the brains essential functions - Sapience, Curiosity, Trial and Error - cease to function.
‘Be Curious. Become Deilightful’ isn’t simply one of your cynical tag lines to try and make a quick buck. In our case alone, we mean every word we say. Never ones to lie, this is the simple, single step you can take to embark on the right path towards your full Potential.
Choosing Authentic Curiosity yields you the correct answer to the only decision that a repressed Human Brain could ever made (the Worthiness Test). The only other choices being a Binary – the hallmark of illusion: A) Knowledge & Power (Neo, 1); or B) Ignorance & Bliss (Cypher, 0). More Wachowski genius. So instead:
Tone out the hatred: Drop the Oppression, labels and deception so ubiquitous that we even fooled ourselves, for we-know exactly how long.
Tone up the Curiosity: Rediscover reality, true love (benevolence), true leadership (meaningful change) and truth. We can help you see and understand anything, stand out, think differently, behave authentically, outperform financially and keep promises.
Don't become just another number. Stand out instead.
We want to help you thrive
Get in touch if we can help you succeed in your Human Purpose of creating and driving meaningful positive change. Our 5 Sapient Change abilities are now available for anyone displaying authentic curiosity.
Make a difference to any, or indeed all things
Discover more about yourself, any question you've ever wanted answered
Discover how to self actualize and reach your full potential
Discover the science of Change and join a Change Making revolution
Discover the threat to Humanity and help save it form the apocalypse