To be, or not to be?
We all know the question, coined in 1600BC by William Shakespeare (We/Human) - a true leader and history's most successful playwright - in his autistic world of Hamlet act III, scene I, and brought to the modern big screen by the non-binary genius of the Wachowski sisters in The Matrix trilogy - one of Hollywood's most successful movie franchises.
But what is it asking, what is the correct answer and what does giving the correct answer tell us?

Black or White, which is best?
The term monochrome comes from the Ancient Greek word μονόχρωμος (Monochromos) meaning 'having just one colour’. It’s a binary that’s functional, clear, good at showing contrasting positions and it’s accessible for everyone to read and understand. Plus it saves a tonne on printer cartridges! We love it for all that. It's why our logo acknowledges that sometimes, against the backdrop of life, white looks better than black, and other times black looks better than white.
But in fact, no natural source of light is truly monochromatic. That would take waves of either zero or infinite duration to sustain. Therefore, neither White nor Black feature in the visible light spectrum. As colours, just like any other binary Human comparison, they simply aren’t authentic which like body language we perceive subconsciously (See our article: What is Authenticity?).
We discovered that, just like our instinctual fear of snakes, Human's hate binary labels because nothing is ever black and white. They’re bland and don’t reflect the full, beautiful extent of the Uniqueness and Complexity of this incredible world we all share. Worse still, these meaningless hallmarks of those using Social Construction to achieve or keep power at the expense of truth and authority are designed to prevent change by excusing inaction.
So at Deilight at least, we never use pure white or black as a colour, nor do we apply binary labels when discussing the complex, multifaceted Human Identity, behaviour and cultural dynamics that are preventing change on some of the world's most wicked problems.

What is Social Construction?
Look up any definition of True Leadership and you'll almost certainly find nonsense, about good vs bad people, listeners vs speakers, and thinkers vs doers... when in reality we all know that all human's are a bit of everything, governed as we are by complex spectra, not binary labels. The best explanations for True Leadership inevitably come as quotations from true leaders themselves. But it's my article so let me try instead:
"True Leaders can represent anyone they hold a duty of care over by setting an example, always being authentic and valuing the uniqueness - not the differences - of those they serve. Through these qualities, legitimate Change Makers unlock the uniquely human capacity to see things differently yet think collectively (as in, self-awareness and the presence of mind) to ultimately access conscious Free Will. In doing so, they gain the wisdom and benevolence to navigate, create and drive any meaningful positive change imaginable, ensuring their people, collectives and nations can become forever better safely."
Sound like anyone you know? The most solid explanation for why we see so many meaningless, reductive and divisive labels all around us is that our power structures are now dominated not by true leaders but their antithesis:
"Those who manifest malevolence, rigidity and oppression (of others) in order to mask their own repressed identity, absent mind and lack of authenticity. Now without purpose nor sapience and effectively automated, this state (darkness, for short) is born from consistently poor choices intended only to self-promote and self-preserve whilst attacking all forms of change, uniqueness and authenticity in others."

All biases are in fact syptoms of one singular condition. Loss of our innate human nature (including sapience, uniqueness, authenticity and curiosity) signals the fatal slide into sapience inhibition, automation and dehumanisation. Now without purpose, the only 'unchange' they deliver is abstracting the real by spreading:
Social construction: Illusions like racism, sexism, homophobia etc.
Intolerance: Cancel culture
Nepotism: Effectively freezing out humans from all leadership roles globally,
Oppression, deception, greed and hatred.
Using divide and rule, they forever apply infinite divisibility upon our common human identity in all they do. That's while resisting all forms of change, thus creating an existential crisis for our species that (in the total absence of competent authority globally doing anything whatsoever about it) is only worsening over time.
You won’t hear this from academia, as it fell to the demons globally years ago. Thus why:
Carl Sagan (We/Human) landed us with the Sagan Standard, forcing them to swap reams of fake science for huge fees;
Your phone hasn’t changed in years except for shape and price;
All humans are now stuck rigidly in the frozen middle across government, press and big business globally, forever denied senior leadership positions.
Boeings full of doomed beings keep falling from the sky as its failed CEO banks $62m
All elections now feature riots, we’re in an eternal recession and growing warzone

Understand why anyone could have Free Will, but very few do
First some rudimentary neuroscience:
The Brainstem: In many ways similar to how Artificial Intelligence works, our automation centre processes information subconsciously in order to output tribalistic responses with the sole goal of self-preservation and self-promotion.
The Pre-Frontal Cortex: Our Sapience centre is where our conscious choices are made thanks to our unique ability for abstract thought and complex reasoning necessary to see and innovate change beyond the existing paradigm.
Scientists have understood for a long while that information is automatically routed to either location without our conscious knowledge (Franklin TB et al, 2016), but have been at a loss to explain just how do Human's choose their choice pathways? We're Deilighted to finally provide the answer...
Human Curiosity and the propensity for Purposeful People to become forever better through Trial and Error are surely two of Humanity's greatest unique gifts. However they also proved to be our worst enemy. In a neuropsychological sense at least, Greed was born not by women, snakes and apples 200,000 years ago as literal theologists claim, but by men through coinage 5,000 years ago. Today, Hatred-spawning greed is growing exponentially thanks to the increasing popularity of exotic Securities and Banking products like Discounting and Cryptocurrency, plus the (passably) hidden structural inequity that permeates all aspects of modern societies. The antithesis of Authenticity, these and other artificial extrinsic constructs (like Ego, Power and Seniority) act as a false reward system, impairing our perceptions of Success that our brains choice engine (Free Will) relies upon in order to function.
Legitimate success is intrinsic in nature. It's measured not by grades or theft from others, but by talent, curiosity, wisdom, legacy etc. - Potential, for short. All change makers know this to be true, because despite all the social construction around us, such knowledge of who we are and how we operate comes with the territory that is our innate, spectral human intuition:

In this regard, authenticity is a kind of inbuilt neurological 'worthiness' test (akin to karma) for our most advanced abilities, ensuring that only the curious can ever create Change using Free Will.
Do or die
That is the answer to 'the question of existence'. William Shakespeare (We/Human)'s philosophical rule highlights that almost all choice today is a binary illusion - rigid hard coding that prevents all change. But nothing is ever black and white. The equal and opposite of a demon, and a vivid hallmark of total authenticity thus conscious free will, true leaders alone are seen to reject the question in all they purposefully say and meaningfully do. Deeds. Not words. Thus why they are as real as it gets in sciences eyes.