Member, The Deilightful Group

Welcome to the Change Engine. Some sell services. We deliver meaningful change

Be curious. Become Deilightful

Looking to make a real difference?

Create better leaders, strategies, cultures, ideas, identities, decisions, collectives, curricula, scientific discoveries and results.

For any problem you face, any creation you imagine or any difference you're making, we use science to ensure you succeed sweetly through Cause & Effect Analysis, Data & Risk Assessment, Scientific Research, Training & Education, Troubleshooting & Crisis Management, Change Plan's & Execution, Leadership & Authentication, and Advice & Support.

Turning dreams into reality, no one creates meaningful change like we do.


Actualise any change
Actualise any change

Realise any idea. Keep any promise. Obtain any science. Remove any problem. Simple

Self-Actualise your people
Self-Actualise your people

In a world where only people matter, success is to make people your priority.

Authenticate any change
Authenticate any change

Realise any discovery. Answer any question. Assess potential or true colours. Certify a leader. License a Competent Authority

Create better leaders, strategies, cultures, ideas, identities, decisions, collectives, curricula, scientific discoveries and results.

For any problem you face, any creation you imagine or any difference you're making, we use science to ensure you succeed sweetly through Cause & Effect Analysis, Data & Risk Assessment, Scientific Research, Training & Education, Troubleshooting & Crisis Management, Change Plan's & Execution, Leadership & Authentication, and Advice & Support.

Turning dreams into reality, no one creates meaningful change like we do.


Meaningful Change: Succeed at anything in life you choose to

To be human is to change

Unique information on Earth and fully reasoned breakthrough discoveries at your fingertips, The Sciences of Change takes you on a deilightfully fun journey across space and time in search of answers to some of life's biggest questions and toughest challenges. Explore your human experience from a different perspective and learn how to reach your full potential.

This book is for the Change Makers and True Leaders

Meaningful Change: Stop the war, save life, deliver justice and lasting peace

Israel Hamas War Report

Free, apolitical, impartial, and independent, discover the 14 scientifically-isolated causes and wider effects of the Israel Palestine war, plus the only viable path to peace. We've crammed 1,500 hours of exhaustive primary research and investigation into 85-pages of unbiased, conclusive and jargon-free facts, truth and evidence - real and meaningful life-saving help for those who need it most.

What's inside this report truly matters

Meaningful Change: Create an industry that can do and change anything

Enter the Change Engine

Founded in 2021 and anchoring breakthrough quantum mechanics, we are one of a kind - just like you. Our unique firm is a Boltzmann Brain and Change Engine that produces just one deilightful product.

Meaningful change. It starts with us.

Register with us as a Wise Human

For complimentary change support, meaningful updates, job roles, partner and supplier eligibility plus first refusal on our forthcoming true leadership program. Not lies, bills and spam, which makes a nice change.

Nobody is ever truly alone

The unique members of our deilightful family

Deilight Consulting

Deilight Consulting

Be curious. Become Deilightful

Make more of a difference. Create better leaders, strategies, cultures, ideas, changes, identities, decisions, collectives, discoveries and results

Change Engine and Boltzmann Brain

The Deilightful Group

The Deilightful Group

It's Dei Time. Simple.

The final line of defence, we protect humanity from malevolence, solve wicked problems, combat misinformation and ensure all wise humans can reach their potential.

Global Potential Exchange, True Love & Leadership, Accountability, Fairness

Deilightful Media

Deilightful Media

Some fake news. We make life

We help quiet voices tell unique stories of true love and leadership to deilightfully fun journey’s across all dimensions of space and time.

Clarketech Engine and Wave Maker

Truly meaningful changes we made just for you

Welcome to the Change Engine

What would you like to change?

Let us know what difference you're making for others and a Titan of Change will get back to you shortly. You can also resonate with us directly by emailing

Welcome to the change engine

What would you like to change?

Contact us