Pronouns exist to divide and oppress people, yet continue to be claimed by those most in need of safe spaces to be themselves. We explain why it's time to drop the labels and embrace the beautifully unique complexity of Humanity once again.
What exactly is Authenticity, where does it come from and why is it so central to our success as Human Being's? Discover why Authenticity is the key to tackling Oppression and advancing D&I beyond just talk. Plus we explain how you can learn to easily detect dishonest behaviour and claims. For the curious, we found the answers.
Here's our 3 undeniably authentic reasons to quit saying the word 'Minority', plus be curious and discover the 2-rung system of oppressive linguistics plus the unlikely truth and origins behind colour's ultimate pairing.
Whoever you are, one of the many things we all share on our journey through the Human Experience is our ubiquitous desire to 'reach our full potential'. But just what is Potential and how can we fulfill it? What we discovered changes everything.
Ever feel like you're the only person in your firm with a personality? Then your firm is almost certainly running a 'Culture Fit' model. You might want to have a word with your HR team after reading this article. Because your firm won't exist much longer.
Companies are having mixed fortunes collecting information about employee diversity. We explain the various challenges cropping up, contexualise the drivers behind those challenges and help you navigate them with 5 easy to follow steps to delivering best-in-class success.
After a year watching and listening to the efforts of operators across the D&I industry and beyond, our Founder shares some frank words and uncomfortable truths about the state of the industry entrusted to deliver meaningful change that got stuck on meaningless talk.
They promised to find and reward top change making talent. As it turns out, they could use a little bit of that themselves. Here's our Founder's top tips for awards ceremonies and awarding bodies on how to drive meaningful change.
In this Volume 1 of a new series for Change Makers - as in, those looking to drive more meaningful authentic change across their organisations (and not just talk) - our Founder shares 16 quick wins, top tips and big ideas to help move the dial.
From the UK's 3rd female Prime Minister to appointing the most diverse cabinet in history to resignation in just 6 weeks. We explain where it all went wrong for Liz Truss' administration, draw lessons for true leaders and consider the implications for the D&I agenda
Companies don't create change. People do. Special people who see and understand things that nobody else can. Through their uniqueness, these special people can see better ways of making a difference, completing the game and leaving a legacy. Here, Deilight's Founder reflects on what he's learnt after 12 months alone, and yet not alone at all.
Team Deilight were out in force last week for the UK's largest supplier diversity conference and business show of 2022. Here's a roundup of how the show went down.